DBT Shearer Longwall at Kyrgaiskaja
Breaks Records
A DBT longwall shearer EL3000 to meet a very specific mining technique and geology at the Russian Kyrgaiskaja mine resulted in a huge increase in productivity and a DBT longwall system is setting a string of new records.
The productivity is remarkable. Over a period of 80 days from end of 2005 to early 2006, the EL3000 shearer produced nearly 800,000 tons. With the exception of eight days when no production was scheduled, the average output was 10,700 tons/day. On April 1, 2006 the EL3000 produced 25,000 tons in a single day (3 shifts of 9,000 tons, 7,000 tons and 9,000 tons respectively) and this record was repeated both on April 2 and April 3. The best month was 305,000 tons, with overall production up to March 22, 2006 totaling 2.14 million tons. The mine recently broke another record, producing 88,500 tons in a single week.
DBT sold the complete longwall installation to Kyrgaiskaja mine (Russia) in 2004. Located in the central Kuzbass coal region, the Kyrgaiskaja mine produces some 2.5 million tons per year from the DBT longwall and another longwall with local equipment.
The package comprised an EL3000 shearer with a cutting power of 2 x 400 kW and a haulage power of 2 x 43 kW. This installed power is modest compared to other EL3000 shearers DBT has in operation in China, Australia and the USA, but is adequate for this operation. The shearer has a cutting range is 2.5 to 5.5 m and operates on 1140 V.
The mining method - a full cut from head to tail gate, running it back to the head gate without cutting - and the face inclination presented a challenge. DBT's longwall equipment in general and especially the shearer were easily able to deal with these circumstances.
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