The coal industry is watching Federal legislation carefully these days. Senator Voinvich, Chairman, Subcommittee on Clean Air, Climate Change, and Nuclear Safety held a holding on the pressing need for multi-emissions legislation recently. Legislation like Clear Skies is designed to build on environmental progress from coal based power plants by ensuring a further 70 percent reduction in emissions, according to National Mining Association.
Coal plays a vital role in helping this country have a dependable, stable, and affordable fuel supply for electric power. Presently coal generates 52 percent of the nation’s electricity. Coal is abundant and reliable and can increase its production to meet growing energy needs.
Jack Gerard, President & CEO, NMA said, "The Clear Skies Act will pay immediate dividends to the nation in two fundamental respects."
"First, it promises continued and significant reductions in emissions from coal-fired plants that generate over half of the nation’s electricity. Second, it gives states and utilities the assurance they need to get on with the urgent task of building the next generation of power plants to fuel the
nation's economic growth."
"S. 131 offers a timely remedy to the decade-long conflict between policies that have favored natural gas utilization and environmental policies that discourage natural gas production. The predictable result - less fuel diversity and spiraling energy prices - has cost the country manufacturing growth and high-wage jobs."
"S. 131 would break this cycle. We commend its Senate supporters for proposing a solution that would moderate energy costs at the same time it improves air
If energy companies are going to make the investments needed to facilitate new coal based power generation we must get legislation passed to insure their investment.
Contact your elected officials asking them to pass comprehensive energy legislation, advanced clean coal technology, and the
Senate's Clear Skies approach for guaranteeing further reductions in power plant emissions.
Kevin Crutchfield
Email: coalleader@netscope.net
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